V Rising Last Wipe

About V Rising Wipe Dates

We attempt to detect server wipes by looking for known date formats in the server’s name and description. Once we have an initial wipe date we will use the current time as the wipe date for any future changes in most cases.

The wipe date is based on information provided by the server and we have no way to verify this information at this time.



We only look at dates that are in the past and prefer dates closer to the current date.


We do not attempt to extract a wipe time from the server name and description. Once we have detected an initial wipe we will use the current time for future wipes after detecting a change.

If we detect a change to the wipe date, but that date is more than 24 hours in the past we will use the parsed value instead of the current time.

Example 1: The previous wipe date in the server name was 2022-05-01 and it changed to 2022-06-01 at 11 AM on 2022-06-01. We would mark the server as having wiped at 11 AM on 2022-06-01.
Example 2: The previous wipe date in the server name was 2022-05-01 and it changed to 2022-05-07 at 11 AM on 2022-05-09. We would mark the server as having wiped at 00:00 (midnight) on 2022-05-07.

Date Formats

We attempt to match dates in the following formats. We allow for a slash, period, or dash separating the numbers in the date.

  • mm/dd - US/CA only
  • dd/mm
  • yyyy/mm/dd
  • dd/mm/yyyy
  • yy/mm/dd
  • dd/mm/yy

The following formats are only attempted for servers located in the United States and Canada. 

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm/dd/yy


We look for the following keywords. Keywords are case insensitive. If a date is preceded by one of these words followed by a colon we will use it as a wipe date (Example: “Wiped: 10/06/2022”).

Dates followed by a keyword are also favored, but not as highly as a keyword followed by a colon.

  • wipe
  • wiped
  • open
  • opened
  • start
  • started
  • fresh
  • aberto
  • created
  • создан
  • 開啟

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